Art and Languages

Learn Languages

by storytelling


Are you a creative person, who wants to learn a new language, but feels the learning process is BORING?

Our courses are specially designed to improve your language fluency, by allowing you to express creatively.

Creative thinking is the highest form of thinking. It allows you to enter the deep learning process and set up long-term neuro connections. Through natural ways of learning like storytelling and creative projects you quickly start thinking in a new language


We offer two types of classes

Storytelling class is a creative writing course where you create your own stories. 

With different creative writing techniques you learn how to
– build characters
– create the plot
– write poems
– create a storyboard

This course helps you think in a foreign language, improve your conversational and written skills and activate your passive knowledge.

Storytelling Class

Creative Project Class

In creative project class, you learn and you create. Language is more than just words. It’s about people and cultures. We learn a new language through art, history, music,movies,books, architecture, cuisine, sports and traditions. Each lesson covers a different topic.

Unique lessons

Step 1.


You start learning about different cultural aspects (art, history, books etc.) and dicover interesting facts about that country.

Step 2.


Learn vocabulary and expressions related to the new topic. Teacher can decide to introduce a new grammar point if necessary.

Step 3.


It’s time to create. Participate in a project that is each time different. Depending on the topic, sometimes you get to create a storyboard for a movie, a travel guide, film a short movie, cook a new recipe. Even, create a business plan and solve problems in your local community. Sky is the limit.


Course Program

Our courses are the same for all languages. One course integrates storytelling classes and creative projects and lasts between 3 – 4 months. Classes are live with one of our teachers, and open for children and adults.

Each course involves
– 8 creative projects to get acquainted with 8 aspects of a foreign culture, through art, cuisine, literature, history, sport, architecture, mythology and film.
In each project you apply the acquired language sills by creating a project ( from creating comics, storyboard for a film, cooking, filming a short movie, painting ).

– 4 storytelling creative writing workshops

– For all group courses, there’s a group exhibition of all creative projects at the end of the course.

Language Courses

Frequently asked questions

Click book a class anywhere on the website, and you’ll receive an email from one of our teachers with a calendar link where you can book a free 30-minute class. Finally, choose the time and date and hit ‘schedule’. That’s it! You will receive a confirmation email in your email inbox in a couple of seconds.

You must have a minimum A1 level passed since all our courses start from level A2. Our courses are designed for people who already have some language skills, and want to improve their writing and conversational skills. 

The course is open to both children and adults. We organize separate group classes for different age groups. 

Send us an email saying which course you’d like to purchase, and in what language. We accept all main types of credit and debit cards. Schedule individual or couple lessons immediately after the purchase. We accept PayPal and wire transfers. 

Individual and couple classes can be canceled or rescheduled 4 hours before the class starts. 

The schedules for group classes have been predetermined, so the dates and hours of the classes cannot be altered.

A few days before the class, you receive an e-mail with instructions and lesson material. Sometimes, you’ll have to download and print the lesson before the class and prepare colored pencils, markers or watercolors. Depending on the class type, you may need to prepare other material as well. 

Your lessons expire 8 months after the purchase.

Art and Languages

online language school for creatives

Let's create together

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